Who Should Be the Main Contact with the Funeral Home in Ottawa?

 Making funeral arrangements is a way to honor a loved one. Whether you use an online funeral arrangement service in Ottawa or go directly to the funeral home, it’s one of the final acts you perform for the deceased. It’s not only an act of love, but a legal responsibility. Not everyone who wants to plan the funeral has the authority.

Who Has the Rights to Make Funeral Arrangements?

The deceased may have designated a specific person to make funeral arrangements in a legal document. This would take precedence over any family member who has the right to make funeral arrangements. If no pre-planning or legal designation was made, then it falls to the next-of-kin, usually a spouse. Without a spouse, it would fall on the adult children, parents, siblings, or other next-of-kin, in that order.

If there is confusion over who should be the main contact with the funeral home in Ottawa when planning a funeral, you may want to talk to the funeral director or a lawyer.

Role and Responsibilities for the Main Contact with the Funeral Home

As the main contact with the funeral home in Ottawa, be prepared to work with the funeral director for:

  • Choosing burial or cremation
  • Scheduling the celebration of life
  • Selecting the casket, urn, and other elements of the funeral
  • Drafting the obituary
  • Selecting pallbearers
  • Paying for the service

Originally Posted on: https://firstmemorialfairview.com/who-should-be-the-main-contact-with-the-funeral-home-in-ottawa/


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