Questions Your Funeral Home May Ask when Planning a Funeral
Who will be the main contact with the funeral home? Who can answer questions, make decisions and approve plans for the funeral service? Although the entire family may want to be included in making plans for the deceased, only certain people have the legal authority to make decisions. If an executor is named in a will, this person takes precedence. Otherwise, it falls to the spouse, or the adult children. With funeral pre-planning in Ottawa , the deceased may have already made decisions. The family just needs to finalize the plans. What is your budget for arranging a funeral in Ottawa? Funeral costs vary based on the type of funeral services you choose. A traditional burial service may be a bit more expensive than direct cremation, but not necessarily. You aren’t obligated to purchase a package if your budget is a concern. Talking to the funeral home in Ottawa about your budget can help you decide which services are necessary versus which services you can pass on...