Helping Your Surviving Parent Plan a Cremation for their Deceased Spouse

 Losing a spouse is considered one of the most stressful life events. Although you’re grieving the loss of a parent, your surviving parent has lost their partner and companion, possibly even a caregiver. Adult children often need to step in and help make funeral or cremation arrangements. Here are some ways you can support your parent as you make decisions.

Ask Your Parent How You Can Help

Your parent may be grieving, but you should respect their needs. Even if your parent has an illness, such as dementia, you should include him or her as much as possible in the funeral planning. There are many details that will need to be handled, and it is going to be hard for one person to manage. You may need to be the strength for your parent for some time, so you want to recognize their decisions.

Making Cremation and Funeral Arrangements

If your surviving parent is overwhelmed with the multitude of decisions, you may need to guide mom or dad through the process. Talk about the type of arrangements before you talk to a funeral director. Have a list of questions and concerns to make sure that everything is covered. Making decisions when you’re grieving isn’t easy. You may simply need to help your parent focus on one thing at a time.

Pre-planning Funeral Services

One of the best things you can do to help your elderly parents is to discuss funeral arrangements before its needed. If you have time to talk to your parents before they die, gathering this information can relieve a lot of stress when the time comes.

  • Get information about the obituary.
  • Talk about wishes for the memorial service and cremation versus burial choices.
  • Make a list of people to notify.
  • Discuss final arrangements.
  • Get information about the will, life insurance and financial institutions.

If you need help pre-planning or planning cremation services in Ottawa, contact First Memorial for assistance with the details.

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