
Showing posts from June, 2021

Helping Your Surviving Parent Plan a Cremation for their Deceased Spouse

  Losing a spouse is considered one of the most stressful life events. Although you’re grieving the loss of a parent, your surviving parent has lost their partner and companion, possibly even a caregiver. Adult children often need to step in and help make funeral or cremation arrangements. Here are some ways you can support your parent as you make decisions. Ask Your Parent How You Can Help Your parent may be grieving, but you should respect their needs. Even if your parent has an illness, such as dementia, you should include him or her as much as possible in the funeral planning. There are many details that will need to be handled, and it is going to be hard for one person to manage. You may need to be the strength for your parent for some time, so you want to recognize their decisions. Making Cremation and Funeral Arrangements If your surviving parent is overwhelmed with the multitude of decisions, you may need to guide mom or dad through the process. Talk about the type of arran...

Receiving Your Loved One’s Ashes after Cremation—What to Do?

  If you’ve dealt with the cremation arrangements and services for a loved one who died, it can be a relief to have all the details behind you. Until you get the call from the funeral home that the ashes are ready to be picked up. It can bring all the grief back up. Let’s talk about receiving your loved one’s ashes after cremation in Ottawa, so you can be prepared to deal with the physical details and the emotional ones. How will the ashes look and feel? You will receive the ashes in a sealable container from the funeral home.  If you didn’t purchase an urn, you will probably receive a cardboard box with the ashes sealed in a plastic bag. This container should not have anything in it except the ashes. Cremated ashes aren’t like campfire ashes. They’re more like sand in texture, but they’ll appear to be pasty white, gray to even dark gray in color. They shouldn’t have any odor, but some people do report a metallic smell or scent of incense. The ashes will weigh around 3 kilogra...