Choosing Cremation Service in Ottawa

 Your loved one may have specifically requested cremation as one of their final wishes, and now you are taking on the task of planning the process. There are several aspects to consider when selecting cremation, and many people find themselves surprised at the number of decisions they need to make as a part of the process. Being prepared for the decision-making process can help make the difficult experience of mourning a loved one as stress-free as possible.

Our First Memorial Funeral Services team offers some advice for this decision.

Things to Consider Regarding Cremation

  • Think about the permanent placement of your loved one’s cremated remains, also often referred to as the “final disposition.” This is the final resting place for the remains, and there are a few different options to consider. Although some people choose to keep ashes at their home, or at the home of a relative, this is not necessarily the best choice.
  • Ashes can easily become misplaced over the years, or even discarded if future generations do not hold them in the same regard. Instead, consider a cremation garden or mausoleum (columbarium’s are mausoleums specifically designed for urns). This gives family members and friends a place for visit their loved one, and spend time reflecting and remembering them. Also, it provides the opportunity for future generations to have a physical location to visit, if they are researching their family heritage, or reconnecting with family history. There are several options for a final resting place when planning cremation services in Ottawa.
  • Also, consider the ceremony you would like to accompany the placement of the urn. Planning a special memorial for your loved one is a beautiful way to obtain closure, and remember the good times spent together. This is the opportunity to incorporate any special wishes of your deceased loved one as well.

Contact Us for Cremation Services in Ottawa

It is never easy to lose a loved one, and the weeks following can often be one of the most challenging periods of your life. Planning a way to honor the deceased and ensure all of their wishes are fulfilled can be a difficult process. Our team at First Memorial Funeral Services is here for you every step of the way, to support you in all aspects.

We have extensive experience planning cremation services in Ottawa and have the knowledge and resources to make it as smooth of a process as possible. Contact us today!

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