What is Criteria for Planning a Memorial Service?

Decide on location or setting: If you choose a memorial ceremony, you will have a lot more flexibility and time to create a personalized experience. Memorial services that focus on the interests, activities, and past times of the person who has passed away are becoming more and more popular.
These services are often held in less formal venues, and include many different personalized activities to remember your loved one.
Pick a time and place: The time and date of the memorial service can influence how many people attend, as well as dictate the theme of the service. Memorial services can be schedules weeks, and even months after the death. Some choose to delay until the person’s birthday or anniversary. Either way, schedule the service so that guests have plenty of time to make travel arrangements. Consider whether you want to have the service in the early morning, mid-afternoon, or late evening.
Select a theme or purpose: The purpose, or theme, of the service allows people to truly focus on the person who has passed away and remember specific details about the person. Listed below are some possible themes to use in memorial services. These themes can easily help determine what types of readings to use, what songs to sing, what foods to serve, and what items to bring to the service. Overall, once you choose a theme, planning the memorial service gets easier.
For more information on planning a memorial service, visit our Services page.
Originally Posted on First Memorial Funeral Services


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