Why Visit a Funeral Pre-Planning Specialist

Funerals are hard on the family and friends of the deceased. To ease the financial and emotional burden, many people opt to pre-plan their funeral. This allows family members to mourn and find peace, instead of handling a myriad of decisions and second guess what the deceased’s wishes may have been.

When visiting a funeral pre-planning specialist, you can discuss the types of service you might want, including:
Traditional: Allow for family and friends to take their time during the visitation and viewing before the funeral services.
What does a traditional Funeral involve? | First Memorial Fairview
Memorial Service: You may wish to be buried first, and then your loved ones can celebrate your life afterward with memory boards and other memorabilia.
Difference between a Funeral and Celebration of Life: | First Memorial Fairview
Same-day Service: Consider this option if you would like to be buried immediately before the celebration of your life. In simple terms, same-day service would be visiting, service and burial all in one day. Whereas a traditional service is usually one day visitation and the second day includes the service and burial.
What happens during a Celebration of Life? | First Memorial Fairview
Graveside Service: This type of service is done at the cemetery or mausoleum with the possibility of a reception afterward.
What happens during a Graveside Service? | First Memorial Fairview
No Service (Immediate Disposition): Some choose to forgo any type of celebration or burial and opt for cremation instead.
What to expect from a Direction Cremation: | First Memorial Fairview
Away-from-home Arrangements: You can even plan for the possibility of passing while on holiday abroad so that your remains are brought back to Canada.
What happens if a family member passes abroad? | First Memorial Fairview
Save your family the additional burden of second-guessing how you would like to be celebrated upon your demise, by pre-planning your funeral. You can even do some additional research online on how to plan a funeral for a more in-depth understanding of the funeral process. Do you want a traditional funeral with visitation and viewing or would you like to keep it simple with graveside rites? Only you can answer that and save your family heartache during the trying time of your passing. Give your family one final gift – the ability to celebrate your life in the way you would like.


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