
Showing posts from April, 2020

How to Select a Theme for a Memorial Service?

Did he or she have a specific hobby? Consider displaying sports equipment, trophies and awards, cooking utensils, written items, art and craft work, or stamp collections anything that recognizes the person’s interests. Considering selecting a funeral program template that represents his interest. Maybe the person took great pride in his or her career. If so, honor the profession by displaying items he or she used. Career-centered themes are especially appropriate for service-driven professionals such as firefighters, police officers, military figures, and teachers. Consider the person’s culture and ancestry. Most cultures have their own traditions and ways of celebrating life. Investigate some of the unique rituals within the person’s culture and honor his or her history. Some people are remembered simply because of their relationship to you. You may choose to honor the person’s role, such as mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc. and recognize the value of the relation...

Why Funeral Pre Planning Makes Sense?

Being Prepared Can Make A Difference We ran a  series of blogs  focusing on funeral services and how listing your personal wishes in advance can make things a lot easier to manage for your loved ones. We also took a  closer look  at burial options and  financial matters . This blog post discusses funeral pre-planning in Ottawa, and why it makes sense for a number of reasons. First Memorial Funeral Services , one of the most-respected funeral homes in Ottawa, encourages you to consider pre-planning not simply because it gives loved ones a chance to grieve without additional stress, but because it allows them to make informed decisions based on your own  personal wishes . Pre-Planning Can Reduce Stress It is easy to see why so many people shy away from discussing a funeral. It is not a pleasant subject, of course, but a funeral can be an expensive and extremely stressful event for family members left with the task of completing formalities without a...

How to Buy A Cemetery Plot?

There are many factors to consider when buying a burial plot. They include how much you want to spend, costs associated with opening and closing the grave, type of burial container, a grave marker, installing a monument, and care of the gravesite. You will want to consider the type of burial plot you want. Do you want a single-depth space for one person, a side-by-side for burial with family, or a double-depth plot that allows married couples to be buried in the same grave? Questions to ask when buying a cemetery plot As you research and contemplate your choices, there are bound to be many questions. Consider these questions when speaking with a funeral home: 1.) Will I own the land? Most of the time, you are only obtaining an easement. 2.) How many people may be buried in the plot? You may want several family members to be together. 3.) What kind of maintenance fees apply, if any? You may have a one-time or monthly fee. 4.) What types of grave markers are allowed? If you...