How to Select a Theme for a Memorial Service?
Did he or she have a specific hobby? Consider displaying sports equipment, trophies and awards, cooking utensils, written items, art and craft work, or stamp collections anything that recognizes the person’s interests. Considering selecting a funeral program template that represents his interest. Maybe the person took great pride in his or her career. If so, honor the profession by displaying items he or she used. Career-centered themes are especially appropriate for service-driven professionals such as firefighters, police officers, military figures, and teachers. Consider the person’s culture and ancestry. Most cultures have their own traditions and ways of celebrating life. Investigate some of the unique rituals within the person’s culture and honor his or her history. Some people are remembered simply because of their relationship to you. You may choose to honor the person’s role, such as mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc. and recognize the value of the relation...